Women’s leadership: Evidence Review

Women’s leadership: Evidence Review
The Office of Development Effectiveness (ODE) commissioned a literature review to explored:
- Definition of women’s leadership: How does Australian aid define women’s leadership (in policies, strategies or programs)? How does this compare to other donor approaches and international literature?
- Data availability and quality: Are there adequate data (in Australian aid and other donor contexts) to assess the effectiveness of women’s leadership programs on gender-equality outcomes and broader development outcomes? What is the quality of these data?
- Leadership and empowerment links: Is there evidence to link women’s economic empowerment and women’s leadership outcomes? What does existing evidence say and what is the quality of this evidence?
A second report was commissed to help guide ODE to design an evaluation of AusAID’s support for women’s leadership. The Evaluability Report synthesises evidence collected through an evaluability assessment. This involved a review of the international literature, documents from seven AusAID programs which have supported women’s leadership, and tracer studies from five Award programs.