UN Women Background Paper : Pacific Regional Consultation on Women’s Political Empowerment and Leadership

UN Women Background Paper : Pacific Regional Consultation on Women’s Political Empowerment and Leadership
This paper was written by Dr Sonia Palmieri as a Background Paper to help guide discussions at the Pacific Regional Consultation on Women’s Political Empowerment and Leadership. The meeting was convened by UN Women, in partnership with UNDP, and held in Nadi, Fiji. It had 3 objectives, namely to: (i) critically review previous and current programming to advance women’s political participation in the Pacific; (ii) agree on a comprehensive, coordinated programming framework that reflects national context and priorities; (iii) bring together key actors and stakeholders and consolidate partnerships for comprehensive programming on women’s political empowerment and leadership.
Author: Dr Sonia Palmieri
Institution: UN Women
Date: May 20, 2021
File size and type: 890.81 KB