Women’s Leadership in the Pacific: Mapping of Development Partners

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Women’s Leadership in the Pacific: Mapping of Development Partners

Women’s Leadership in the Pacific: Mapping of Development Partners

In an effort to understand the scope of activities being conducted towards increasing women’s leadership in the Pacific, AusAID through the Pacific Leadership Program, the Secretariat of the Pacific Community and the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat convened a half day meeting in Suva, following the conclusion of the 2012 Gender and Development Partners meeting from April 2nd and 3rd. The meeting was attended by representatives of the following organisations, UN Women, UNDP Pacific Centre, UN Volunteers, UNESCAP, UNFPA, Commonwealth Local Government Forum, AusAID Pacific Leadership Program, AusAID Gender Office, Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, Secretariat of the Pacific Community, and NZAID.

Author: Development Partner Mapping

Institution: Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat

Date: April 10, 2012

File size and type: 859.99 KB
