Vanuatu: Gender Profiles of Political Parties and Elections

Vanuatu: Gender Profiles of Political Parties and Elections
This national study was undertaken by the Vanuatu Department of Women to identify what political parties in Vanuatu have done to promote women's political participation since Independence in 1980. This study is intended to inform the policy direction for the Vanuatu Government’s draft Women in Government policy, through the Department of Women’s Affairs (DWA). The objective of this study is to identify women's participation in political parties, compile data including concerns about gender equality, and identify means for advancing equality in political governance. Lack of financial and human resources to support systematic planning and policy development as well as lack of committment by political parties are cited as challenges to women's equal participation in politics. There is a need for voter education and leadership training for women. The study also provides recommendations for what should be done to strengthen women's engagement in political life in Vanuatu.
Author: Vanuatu Department of Women
Institution: Vanuatu Department of Women
Date: January 12, 2010
File size and type: 1.48 MB