Report: Women Policy & Political Leadership: Regional perspectives

Report: Women Policy & Political Leadership: Regional perspectives
The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) is a political foundation. The report aims to share perspectives on women in political leadership from the regions of Africa, America, Asia, Australiasia including a piece on Pacific trends, and Europe.
Women’s political leadership and the equal participation of women in public affairs and decision-making are key elements of democracy and prerequisites for achieving sustainable development. In the last few
decades, there has been remarkable progress in this regard with more opportunities for women in leadership roles and significant steps being taken towards achieving gender equality. The world average of women in
parliament has increased from 15.7% in 2004 to 22.1% in 2015 to 25.11 % in 2020. Nonetheless, we have still not reached the target of 30% of women in decision-making positions set by the Beijing Platform for Action in 1995.
Author: Edited by Christian Echle and Megha Sarmah
Institution: Konrad Adenauer Stiftung
Date: May 20, 2021
File size and type: 4.00 MB