Papua New Guinea – Women Candidates Training Strategy – 2012 National Elections

Papua New Guinea – Women Candidates Training Strategy – 2012 National Elections
The Strategy, which was developed by the PNG Office of the Department for Women, with assistance from CDI and UNDP’s Women in Leadership Project, is a home-grown response to the poor political representation of women in PNG. ODW's Strategy aims to increase the chances of women being elected by proposing a structured sequence of training and advisory events for women candidates and their campaign managers in the 10 months leading up to the election. The planned Strategy includes a first round of regional training workshops during October-December 2011 in Alotau, Mt Hagen, Madang and Kavieng and a second round of progress check workshops during February-April 2012 in the same locations. For more information, click here.
Author: Department for Community Development
Institution: PNG Government
Date: May 20, 2021
File size and type: 114.99 KB