ODI report (2015): The Power to Decide: Women, decision-making and gender equality

ODI report (2015): The Power to Decide: Women, decision-making and gender equality
The Overseas Development Institute (ODI) is the UK's leading independent think tank on international development and humanitarian issues. This ODI report focuses on women’s decision-making power, in particular their ability to influence political decisions about the distribution of public authority, rights and resources. It looks at the reasons for women’s increased presence in public life around the world, and why women in some socioeconomic groups, sectors and countries have less political power than others. It also examines when and how women have power and influence in practice, and what they seek to achieve. Recommendations on how the international community can better support women’s access to decision-making and leadership are presented as well.
Author: The Power to Decide: Women, decision-making and gender equality
Institution: Overseas Development Institute (ODI).
Date: May 20, 2021
File size and type: 79.94 KB