Experiences of Female Candidates in the 2017 Papua New Guinea General Election
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Experiences of Female Candidates in the 2017 Papua New Guinea General Election
Papua New Guinea went to the polls in June–July 2017 for its ninth general election since independence. Despite a record number of women standing — around five per cent of the total number of candidates — no women were elected in any of the 111 seats. This report draws on discussions from a debrief in Port Moresby in September 2017 with 26 women who contested the election. Participants had contested in all four regions of Papua New Guinea, so the debrief captured a variety of perspectives and experiences. This In Brief highlights some of the key themes that arose from these discussions.
Author: Kerryn Baker
Institution: Australian National University
Date: May 20, 2021
File size and type: 1.10 MB