Women in Political leadership welcomed
09th June, 2014

Tupou Draunidalo was officially named as the first Taukei president of the National Federation Party on 29 March 2014. Photo: Gregory ravoi
Fiji’s National Federation Party president Tupou Draunidalo says it is encouraging to see more Fijian women in leadership position ahead of the September 17 election. She says it gives women confidence and it is a positive development for all Fijian women. “It’s a very good thing for all Fijian women,” she said. “It gives them incentive and confidence that not only do they belong in the mainstream of politics but also in leadership as well.” All five registered political parties have appointed a woman as their president –Draunidalo for National Federation Party (NFP), Dr Jiko Luveni for FijiFirst, RoTeimumu Kepa for Social Democratic Liberal Party (SODELPA) and LaviniaPadarath for the Fiji Labour Party (FLP). FijiLive
Read more at: http://fijilive.com/news/2014/06/women-in-political-leadership-welcomed/57896/