Samoan Parliament welcomes new woman MP
21st August, 2014

(Photo Credit: Talamua Media & Publications)
Faimalotoa Kika Iemaima Stowers-Ah Kau beat four male contenders for the seat in last weekend’s by-election.
The newly elected woman parliamentarian for Gagaifomauga No.1. FaimalotoaKika Iemaima Stowers is ready to serve and continue the work left unfinished by the late MP Tuiloa Anitelea Tuiloa who is her close relative.
“Tuilo’a raised many issues for the constituency and I am going to continue pushing those issues,” said Faimalotoa.
Her election has increased the number of women parliamentarians from two to three.
“I feel extremely humbled to have been chosen by my district and I give thanks to God,” she told the media during a press conference this morning.
Faimalotoa is to be given the chance to contribute and to further the development of the constituency.
She did not spell out any particular issues she wanted to pursue although she supports having more women parliamentarians with five women seats now legislated.
“Women are the strength of a family and they need to speak out and voice their views and I encourage women to take a chance at politics,” said Faimalotoa.
She has also pledged to support and defend media freedom in the country.
“The media was my first job,” said the evergreen broadcaster who was the first woman to become the director of the Government owned Radio the 2AP.
The newly elected Member of Parliament, Faimalotoa Kika Iemaima Stowers-Ah Kau was sworn in parliament on Wednesday.
Source: Talamua Media & Publications