New MP for N/Malaita Hon. Vika Lusibaea visits constituency students in Fiji
16th August, 2012
Just two weeks after being elected as the new Member of Parliament (MP) for North Malaita, Hon. Vika Lusibaea began her mission by convening a consultation meeting with educated elites of her constituency studying and working in Fiji, and at the same time donated FJD$1,000 to support certain initiatives planned by the students.
Meeting with more than fifty North Malaita scholars in Fiji on Tuesday night, Mrs. Lusibaea used the opportunity to brief the students of her visions and plans for the constituency up to 2014, continuing on from where her husband and former North Malaita MP, Mr. Jimmy Lusibaea had left off.
Mrs. Lusibaea stated that she was very grateful to the students for accepting to meet with her, noting that it is the first time for a woman to be an MP for North Malaita.
She added that due to the short timeframe before 2014, she would need the help of all educated elites of her constituency to work together and provide advice on matters of importance to the constituency.
The students also briefed the newly elected MP of their plans to undertake certain community volunteer initiatives this December throughout the constituency, including a proposed two-week medical mission tour by FSM medical students to be accompanied by some working professionals at the National Referral Hospital, starting from Fo’ondo Clinic to Takwa Clinic.
This will be complemented by the delivery of medical supplies and equipments to clinics and provision of free health check-ups.
In addition the students plan to revive the renowned annual TARD free North Malaita Christmas Games this December for rural youths in the constituency, with support from the new Member of Parliament.
As a result, a new Suva-based TARD executive committee was appointed comprising Jimson Maeta (President), Andrew Igini (Vice President), Lydia Kiko(Treasurer), Linda Rongonao (Secretary) and Silas Laulifia (Events Coordinator).

PHOTO Hon. Mrs. Lusibaea hands over FJD$1000 to the new TARD Executive.
The new TARD executive intends to consult further with other North Malaita Constituency scholars and working elites in both Solomon Islands and throughout the region to progress a medium to long term development plan for the constituency and also pursue volunteer community development aspirations of the people of North Malaita in partnership with the new MP, charitable bodies and development agencies.
TARD is a non-profit student-led volunteer group established in August 2005 by To’abaita students studying in Fiji with a goal to bridge community development barriers and pursue potential rural community initiatives and aspirations for North Malaita Constituency.
Since then the group had successfully implemented more than 15 different initiatives ranging from annual free Christmas games, support for sports leagues and school carnivals, school fee bursary scheme, facilitation of medical supplies and equipments for seven clinics throughout North Malaita, water supply projects, solar electrification of clinics, and coaching programs for soccer and netball.
In receiving the funds from Hon. Vika Lusibaea, the newly appointed TARD President, Jimson Maeta thanked the MP for her visionary support to the volunteer efforts proposed by the educated elites of North Malaita studying in Fiji.
The entire To’abaita student body was very grateful to Mrs. Lusibaea and spoke very highly of her for seeing the importance of consulting and working together with the human resources of her constituency.