Clerk to Solomon Islands Parliament, Mrs Taeasi Sanga attends Regional Presiding Officers and Clerks Conference
27th July, 2012

(PHOTO National Parliament of Solomon Islands, 24 July 2012)
[The Clerk to Solomon Islands Parliament, Mrs Taeasi Sanga, is among the participants working towards better integration and streamlined processes for parliaments in the region; PHOTO, Front : Speaker of the Autonomus Region of Bouganville Hon. Andrew Miriki accompanied by NPSI staff Liam Sau, Back: Clerk to the Autonomous Region of Bouganville Mr Robert Tapi accompanied by the Clerk to Solomon Islands Parliament, Mrs Taeasi Sanga and a Foreign Affairs Officer, Mr Kennedy on their arrival at the Honiara International airport on Sunday.]
Solomon Islands National Parliament is the host of the 43rd Regional Presiding Officers and Clerks (POC) Conference at the National Parliament House starting Tuesday next week. The conference is an annual event and it runs from Tuesday the 24th to Friday the 27th of July will host more than 50 Speakers and Clerks from 19 Parliaments in the region including, Australian Capital Territory Legislators ( ACT), the New Zealand Parliament and participants from the Solomon Islands National Parliament. During the three day workshop participants will discussions and do presentations on the following areas: Jurisdiction reports from each country; Autonomy and Strategy; Committees and Private Members business, Procedure and various relevant areas.
Following are the participating countries: Parliament of Queensland, Parliament of South Australia, Parliament of Victoria, Parliament of Tasmania, Parliament of Nauru, Parliament of NSW, Australian Capital Territory Legislative Assembly, Parliament of Norfolk, Parliament of Western Australia, Parliament of Tonga, Vanuatu Parliament, Australian Parliament, Northern Territory, Parliament of New Zealand, Parliament of Cook Islands, Parliament of Kiribati and Parliament of Tuvalu.
Besides the main conference a half-day Twinning Conference for Australian and Pacific Parliaments twinned under the auspices of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association will be held on Friday 27 July. This will be delivered by the three host Parliaments namely: Solomon Islands, Bouganville and New South Wales. This one day conference is aimed at reviewing twinning activities between Australia and Pacific Parliaments.
The twinning arrangements in Australia and the Pacific are:
•Australia Capital Territory and Kiribati
•New South Wales, Bougainville and Solomon Islands
•Queensland, Papua New Guinea and Vanuatu
•South Australia and Tonga
•Victoria, Fiji, Nauru and Tuvalu
•Tasmania and Samoa
•Western Australia and Cook Islands
Activities under the twinning arrangements are:
•Exchanges of Information
•Training activities between the Parliaments that promote and enhance Parliaments’ institutional roles
•Other opportunities for dialogue as they arise; and
Partnerships between Solomon Islands Parliament and NSW were established in June 2007 as part of the partnership arrangements of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association’s (CPA) twinning program.