Hon. Jocelyn Wesley Ipei

Hon. Jocelyn Wesley Ipei
Party: Independent
Term: N/A
Electorate: Nea/No'ole Ward 10, Santa Cruz Islands
Province: Teamotu Province
Political Status: Member of Provincial Assembly
Hon. Ipei is a member of the Public Account Committee, in the Temotu Provincial Assembly.
She participated in the 2014 Practice Parliament for women in Solomon Islands before being elected into the Provincial Assembly later that year. Hon. Ipei participated again in the 2018 Practice Parliament for women, as an elected Provincial Assembly member for Temotu. both workshops were supported by UNDP Pacific office in Fiji, and the National Parliament of Solomon Islands, Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (2014 event), together with national NGO partners Vois Blo Mere, and Women’s Rights Action Movement.