Maureen Duwang Bakaia

Maureen Duwang Bakaia
Party: Independent
Term: N/A
Electorate: Sohe
Province: Northern
Political Status: N/A
Summary Biography
I am 39 years old and I am from Avihasa Village, Waria Kira District of Northern Province. I am an ex-Police Sergeant with the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary. I served 22 years with the Force. I am an Electronics Mechanic by profession.
I am and advocate for women and children’s issues. During my 22 years of service with the Force I was very vocal and adamant in establishing the Family and Sexual Violence Unit wihtin the constabulary in 2009, which is currently operating. I was a committee member with the RPNG Frontline Improvement Project.
I have obtained
- a Bachelor Degree in Business Management – UPNG
- a Bachelor Degree in Political Science – UPNG
- a Diploma in Pacific Policing – USP, Fiji
- a Certificate in Tertiary and Community Studies – UPNG
- a Trades Certificate in Electronics Mecanics – Port Moresby Technical College
- a Certificate in Pacific Islands Basic Electronics – Australian Defence Corporation
- a Certificate in Crisis Counselling, Fiji Women’s Crisis Centre (FWCC)
Key Achievements
- Establishment of Family & Sexual Violence Desk within the RPNGC
- Safe City Project in Gordons Market – Port Moresby – NCDC
- Awarded the 2009 Law & Justice Sector Award
- Establishment of Prison Ministry
- Participated in PNG Indonesia Boarder Operation in January – February 2011 assisted PNG Foreign Affairs to process and move all OPM Rebels and West Papuan refugees to East Arwin Camp-Kiunga
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If you would like more information about Maureen Duwang Bakia please contact PacWIP
Ph: +679 330 0399 I Fax: +679 330 1976 I Email: