Senator Perpetua Sappa Konman
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Senator Perpetua Sappa Konman
Party: N/A
Term: 2021-2023; 2023-current
Electorate: District 3 (Southern Namoneas)
Province: Chuuk State
Political Status: Senator
Senator Konman is the first ever woman elected to the FSM National Congress. She was elected in a bye-election in November 2021. Senator Konman received 2,532 votes. By contrast, candidate Myron I. Hashiguchi received 1,962 votes, and candidate Inson I. Namper received 1,292 votes.
She is a medical doctor by profession with over 30years of service and education in the medical field. Born September 29, 1972, Konman hails from Fefan island in the state of Chuuk and is the widow of the late Congressman Derensio S. Konman. They have 6 lovely children.