Australian Government – Pacific Women Shaping Pacific Development programme
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The Pacific Women Shaping Pacific Development Initiative has committed $320 million over 10 years to improve the political, economic and social opportunities of Pacific Women.
Between 2012 and 2022, the initiative will support gender equality through partnerships with Pacific governments, civil society organisations, local advocacy groups, the private sector, and multilateral, regional and United Nations agencies. The initiative will:
- contribute to an increase in the number and effectiveness of women in decision making roles at national and local levels across the Pacific
- increase economic opportunities for women through improved access to financial services and markets
- improve safety for women through better services, violence prevention and access to justice
- support change in social attitudes and behaviours on gender equality
- strengthen civil society advocacy for gender equality
- ensure women, girls, men and boys receive maximum access to and benefit from Australian Government investments in health and education
- produce timely, relevant and quality gender knowledge to inform policy engagement and programming choices across the initiative’s key result areas.